The Adventures of Bo Avery: Shanghaied

The Adventures of Bo Avery: Shanghaied – A Western Adventure

Bo Avery and his friend, Charlie Bixby, led a wagon train to California in 1858. Bo had fallen in love with a girl named Kate who had left the train at Fort Hall. Kate, her sister, and her sister’s husband went on to the Oregon Territory to get established in the new country.

Bo promised Kate as soon as he was done with his obligation to get the wagon train to California, he would come to Oregon to be with her. When they got the emigrants to Sacramento, he and Charlie got their pay. Charlie wanted to go to San Francisco because he had heard so much about it and he wanted to see the ocean. Bo decided to go along and then make his way north to the Oregon Territory and find Kate.

San Francisco was known as the ‘Sodam and Gomorrah’ of the west coast. The city had grown rapidly since the gold rush of 1849 and along the Barbary Coast there were saloons, gambling houses, brothels, and any variety of places where a man could indulge in a variety of vices.

Bo and Charlie saw the ocean and found themselves in a saloon along the wharf. Their drinks were spiked and when they woke up, they were in the hold of the sailing ship, Flying Fish… SHANGHAIED.

They were now forced to become sailors and found themselves on their way to China. How would they get back to San Francisco? How would they get back all that was stolen from them? Would they ever make it to the Oregon Territory? Would Bo find Kate?

Find your copy of The Adventures of Bo Avery: Shanghaied: A Western Adventure on Amazon.

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