August News from Lizard Key Books

Over the last four weeks or so, two new books were released. The second book in the Bo Avery series, ‘The Adventures of Bo Avery-Shanghaied’ is a continuation of Bo’s story when he reaches San Francisco. It took some time for this book to come out, but it’s now available in KINDLE and paperback formats.

My newest book is a departure from other stories I’ve written but still a historical fiction type book. The publisher asked a small group of authors to write some war related adventure type stories. I already had an unpublished short story of that type, so I decided to do some research and possibly expand and re-write the story. This story takes place in the Solomon Islands in 1939 as the war in Europe begins and the Japanese are at war in China and making inroads into the South Pacific and Indonesia. It’s called ‘The Voyage of the Island Girl – A wartime tale of the South Pacific’. It is currently available in the KINDLE format with the paperback version coming out in a few weeks.

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The Voyage of the Island Girl – A wartime Tale of the South Pacific

In 1939 the world was in turmoil. Germany, under Hitler and the Nazi regime had invaded several smaller countries with little or no resistance. When they invaded Poland, Great Britain and France declared war and World War II began. On the other side of the world, the Japanese had invaded China and were also at war. Emboldened by the lack of response to Hitler’s aggression they attacked China and were making inroads into the South Pacific driven by their imperialism and need for raw materials.

The United States was trying to remain neutral as they were providing aid to both Great Britain and Europe. Tensions were also rising between the United States and Japan as the United States was aiding China and refusing to sell oil to Japan.

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The Adventures of Bo Avery: Shanghaied – A Western Adventure

Bo Avery and his friend, Charlie Bixby, led a wagon train to California in 1858. Bo had fallen in love with a girl named Kate who had left the train at Fort Hall. Kate, her sister, and her sister’s husband went on to the Oregon Territory to get established in the new country.

Bo promised Kate as soon as he was done with his obligation to get the wagon train to California, he would come to Oregon to be with her. When they got the emigrants to Sacramento, he and Charlie got their pay. Charlie wanted to go to San Francisco because he had heard so much about it and he wanted to see the ocean. Bo decided to go along and then make his way north to the Oregon Territory and find Kate.

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July News from Lizard Key Books

It’s been too long since I posted any news… so here it goes. I’ve been doing some traveling lately to the Philippines and Indonesia. The newest book, ‘The Adventures of Bo Avery – The Way West’ is out and available as either a KINDLE or paperback book. It is book one of the story and book two is at the publishers waiting for cover art and a release date.

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The Adventures of Bo Avery: The Way West – A Western Adventure

In 1850, the United States was less than seventy-five years old. In the context of the long-established countries of Europe it was in its infancy. Yet the speed and development as a country was unprecedented. From the thirteen original colonies on the east coast, the country had now spread west all the way to the Pacific. The concept of manifest destiny had taken hold, and the millions of Indians living there were viewed as in the way of the nation’s progress. The discovery of gold in California created a boom of development on the west coast but between the east and west coasts lay the vastness of America, still wild, untamed and lawless. Between Independence, Missouri and California would be turbulent weather, unimagined hardship, disease, hostile Indians, bandits, and for many, death.

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News from Lizard Key Books

October 2023

My newest book has just been released. ‘Showdown at Cedar Gulch’ is the newest and number eight in the ‘Texas Jack’ series. Also, the second edition of ‘Lizard Key’ has also recently been released.

I’ve been gathering research material for a new western book which will not be a ‘Texas Jack’ western. It will follow the life of a young man captured by Indians, his life with them, his escape and his adventures as he moves through the wild west. No title yet, but I’ll be working on it over the winter and hope it’s ready by spring.

The third book following Nick Roberts and his modern-day pirates on Lizard Key is in the final processes of re-write… again, no final title on it yet. This story will definitely be done by Spring. So, over the winter I’ll be working on a western and a pirate book when I’m not playing golf, diving or fishing.

My good friend, Bart Buchanan, just released his first book, ‘Black Coffee Pork Sausage and a Homicide’. It’s available on Amazon. I know he’s put a great deal of effort into it, and we’ve talked several times as he navigated the process. Check it out.

Lizard Key

What do the following have in common?

A teenaged smuggler of Mayan artifacts, a Nazi Admiral fleeing Germany at the end of World War II, stolen gold, a lost submarine, a beautiful woman seeking revenge, a corrupt United States Senator, a Neo Nazi terrorist publisher, a Voodoo priestess, and a modern-day pirate.

The answer is Lizard Key!

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Texas Jack: Showdown at Cedar Gulch

A Western Adventure: Texas Jack Book 8

When Jack McKenna, also known as ‘Texas Jack’, and Tommy Vee were given the assignment by the people of Filo, Texas to go to Cedar Gulch and escort the town’s new schoolteacher back, it seemed to be a simple task. Since there was no stagecoach or train service between Cedar Gulch and Filo, it would be a one week trip each way. All they needed to do was ride to Cedar Gulch and return with the new schoolteacher.

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News from Lizard Key Books

Recently my newest book, ‘Allah’s Scorpion’ was released in both Kindle and paperback versions. It’s available through Amazon books. This is a modern cowboy story and something a bit out of the normal for me. My publisher asked me to take a stab at it, so I did. I’ve included the text from the back of the book to give you a bit of the story line.

Also, the very first novel I wrote back in 2012 is going to be released as a second edition. I released that book as a ‘self-published’ novel and didn’t have the support I have now. So many mistakes! So, like many authors before me, I went back and made changes and edits so it will now be released as a ‘second edition’ with a new cover that’s currently being worked on.

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Allah’s Scorpion

The American cowboy is an icon recognized worldwide. Cowboys represented courage, independence, self-reliance and the freedom of the new frontier. Western stories of the old wild west are a classic staple but if you believe there are no longer cowboys around, you’d be wrong. Cowboys are still very much a part of the American landscape and living the cowboy code is still their way of life.

When an Islamic terrorist known only by the name Allah’s Scorpion is hired by a radical Muslim sect to attack the United States with a weapon of mass destruction, the plan is only partially completed. Allah’s Scorpion escapes with a few men from the terrorist cell who are helping him. They flee to a place away from a major city where they believe the authorities will be looking for them and go to Montana.

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